Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So what's new in your world?

I was exhausted last night and was just sitting with Kizzie (the 3 legged cat) watching TV and hear a thud at the front door.  So I get up to see what the heck is going on and sitting on the front door mat is a parakeet, I reach down to pick it up and the darn outside cat springs 30 ft. into the air and the chase is on.  The parakeet appears to have its wings partially clipped so it is not reaching altitude and flies into the neighbors yard, I rip off my socks so I don't get them wet and off  I run to the neighbors, Cass now has the parakeet in his mouth, I grab him by the scruff of the neck and yell at him to let the bird go, he spits the bird out and hisses at me.  I have the bird in my hand and it then attaches its self via beak to my hand, so I open hand to get him off. The bird flies to the corner of our gable, I am in pursuit as is the cat.  Then up and across the street the little one flies, so across the street I go, thinking maybe it belongs to our neighbor, knock on her door, nope no parakeet but she gives me a towel and I move to the corner of her house where cat is crouched and ready to pounce, parakeet is in a clump of dead branches about 6 1/2ft up. I reach for it and it falls to the ground, I swoop it up in the towel.  It's little heart beating 210beats a min.  So I am standing there with parakeet and go oh great now what do I do?  3 cats in our house is probably not the welcoming committee it is hoping for.  I took an old wicker cat kennel we have and placed it inside with the towel.  There it is this morning and that damn bird seems to be fine.  Of course after it is all said and done, I have adrenaline coursing through my body and sleep is not something that is going to come quickly, LOL.  Kizzie is standing guard and gives me a strange look every time it moves in the kennel "like did you really bring me a bird?"  So I will get some fliers out today and see if I can find out who it belongs to.  This morning at 5AM my friend Linda brought a small cage she had over so I could get PocoUno out of the wicker kennel, she also brought some seeds, bless her heart. So I will get fliers out and go door to door later when the sun comes up.  Have a great Wednesday. Hugs


eiyiyi said...

Ah, you are as kind as you are talented. What a fabulous combination. Have a good long nap today, wonderful woman! hugs, eileen

DonnaMundinger said...

Glad the birdie survived the ordeal. Jezzie brought one in through the cat door and let it out in the house. It was flying around until David sort of swatted it down (gently) with a towel but Jezzie was too fast. Poor birdie. Looks like you may have a new pet. Good luck with that. xxD

Carole Beath said...

Bless you, Sandi, for rescuing the frightened Parakeet. I hope his owner's can be found and are glad to have him back. Parakeets are a source of laughter and fun and each one has a definite personality.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh Sandi, what an ordeal you have been through.. yes it sounds like you have acquired a new pet. hugs

Debbie said...

Ah what a wonderful story..If no one claims him I am sure cats and PocoUno will get along fine just give it a few days

Linda Kaiser said...

Oh my goodness what a great story! You are so kind and I am happy that the bird survived! I used to have two parakeets and they are so loving...just like you!

Good luck!


Christy said...

lol, oh Sandi! What a wonderful story! I am not surprised, you have an amazing heart and soul :) Love you! xoxo

1CardCreator said...

Looks like you had an exciting day. I can picture you running and chasing that bird, so sweet of you to take him in. I hope you find it's family. ~Diane

Sharon Caudle said...

Oh I'm sorry, but I immediately had visions of Tweetie Bird, Sylvester, and Grandma!!! He's beautiful and I'm glad your rescue was successful! Big hugs to you!!!